
I have been spending a lot of time considering Work/Life balance.

I almost started that sentence with “I have been struggling with…” but decided to try and take the struggle out of it.  This is about choices, to build a career, choices to make money, to advance my knowledge and experience.  It is also about choices around how I want to spend my time  – this is a biggie – including relationships of all kinds friendships, learning new things that are not work related, recreation, FUN, and family, oh, and when to clean my house!  I DO struggle to find this balance. I do consider what my priorities are. Sometimes, professionally, I with I could be an expert in more areas of sexuality. Or, if not an expert, at least know a lot more than I already do.

For example, I a, continuing my education about Gestalt Therapy to be a better therapist to my current and future clients.  I am taking a few different courses and seminars this year to contribute to my growth.  This means I have less time to teach workshops on sex and sexuality and to focus on areas there that I would like to enhance, namely, pelvic pain and painful sex.

I want to be an expert on it all. I want to be able to focus on a few areas where I see a need AND also work at my regular job which supports me to live where I live and DO my life.

There is a lot going on for psychotherapists in Ontario these days. The government decided a few years ago to regulate the terms “Psychotherapist” and “Mental Health Professional”.  There is a transitional counsel making up the policies right now and this will be unfolding likely in 2014.  Getting ready for this is something that me and my Gestalt colleagues are anxiously getting ready for and the anticipation is high.

More info can be found here:

While I continue to consider all that is going on in this life, and my areas of interest, it seemed appropriate to write about it here. This is a musing on sex, a musing on sex therapy, on sex education and ways that I can and cannot contribute as much as I want to these days.

More to come! As always!

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One comment on “Balance

  1. REIGNXCO says:

    The balance between making dreams come true professionally and also managing all kinds of relationships is nearly impossible lol.

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